performance 2020

As an opening of my solo exhibition in Galerija Prozori (Zagreb) named Das Unbehagen II, I performed a reading performance in children’s department of Silvije Strahimir Kranjčević library in Zagreb. I read few pages from Sigmund Freud’s essay Civilisation and its discontents (original in German: Das Unbehagen in der Kultur). Before the reading, I didn’t speak the whole day. This was my starting point of a symbolic journey through the culture – from birth to adulthood. Since I have a speech flaw, I stuttered through the whole text, making the viewers feel the uneasiness in the presence of traumatized body.

Freud’s essay discusses human happiness and the sources of human suffering. Despite all of our progress in technology (with which we try to defeat nature), mankind is maybe closer to God, but we are still unhappy.

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